About CFR

What We Do, Why and How

What We Do

Center for Return’s goal is to educate Jews about Judaism, regardless of their background, affiliation or level of observance.

Who We Service

By very conservative estimates 500,000 to 600,000 Jews work on the Island of Manhattan every Monday through Friday. For most of these Jews, Jewish education - if they had any - probably ended shortly after their bar/bat mitzvah.
As adults they enjoy personal and professional achievements but Judaism remains a mystery: What is 
my history? What are Judaism's basic beliefs? What are Jewish holidays about - and what does it mean to me?
Center for Return helps these Jews find answers to their questions and connect with his or her roots and heritage.

Why We Do It

At CFR, we believe the entire community of Israel is strengthened and benefits whenever Jews become more dedicated to Torah and Mitzvos. Any increase in one’s commitment to Torah Judaism is a worthwhile endeavor.

How We Do It

  • Center for Return is proud to be your personal guide for exploring Judaism.
  • CFR brings the Jewish study hall to the workplace.
  • Knowledgeable lecturers make thousands of years of Jewish wisdom accessible at our 13 weekly classes in midtown and lower Manhattan. Most classes are conducted during lunchtime hours, with a couple of classes after hours to service traders and others.
  • Additionally, we have a host of Jewish resources available to our members.
  • The weekly classes are conducted at an ever-growing number of workplace locations with a delicious light lunch served.
Last updated on: 05/15/2024
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