
Directions by Subway

For Bus and Subway information, call 1-718-330-1234 or visit the MTA website.

Take the E or F to the Union Turnpike Station. Be towards the front of the train and exit to street using stairs and following signs for the Q-10 Bus to Kennedy Airport. When you reach the street, proceed approximately 20 feet and turn right walking through building underpass. Directly ahead is the Q-10 bus stop. Take the Q-10 bus to Lefferts Blvd and 85th Ave (approximately 5 minutes travel time). Turn left onto 85th Ave and continue 2 blocks to 117 St. Turn left onto 117th St and continue until the end of the block.(Corner of 117th St and Babbage St). CFR Bayit is the last house on the left side of the street.

Take the J or Z train to 121st Street Station. Exit to street, which is Jamaica Ave. Turn right on 121st Street and walk one block to Hillside Ave. Turn left onto Hillside Avenue and continue to Babbage St (immediately after 118th Street and just before the train trestle). Turn right onto Babbage Street and walk to corner of Babbage and 117th St. The Bayit will be on your right.

Last updated on: 05/03/2024
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